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"When I was in eighth grade, after studying voice for many years, I decided to learn how to play the piano.

I began my lessons with Nancy the next fall. I could read music and slowly plunk out a line of notes, but beyond that, my piano playing skills were at ground zero. Beginning with simple pieces, I gradually worked my way up to more difficult, more rewarding pieces. By the end of the first year, I was ready to play in a recital in front of an entire church full of listeners.

As a teacher, Nancy is patient and encouraging. Every week I come in with a problem- maybe a jump that my left pinky just cannot seem to master, or a passage that my hands cannot play fast enough- and every week, Nancy sends me home with the solution.

Over the last four years, my abilities and my confidence as a pianist have soared. Nancy helped me prepare for several other recitals, two report cards for adjudicators, and even worked with me to record an audition CD for college applications. For the two report card tests, I had to prepare scales, chord progressions, and several pieces that I performed for a grade. After nervous testing in front of kindly judges, I passed both tests with flying colors. This past summer I asked Nancy if she would be willing to record a CD of my piano playing and singing for college applications using her recording equipment. We collaborated with my vocal coach and another pianist, and under Nancy's expert direction, I successfully recorded a musical audition CD.

As I go on to college and into the larger world, I will take Nancy's teaching with me. I look to her calm, comforting patience as an example for how I should help others. I will carry her advice and her enthusiasm for teaching and learning. And I will continue my piano studies, and hopefully someday I will be as fine a teacher and pianist as Nancy."

-Abigail Kelly, piano student

"My daughter Samantha has studied piano with Nancy Morgan for five years, and my youngest daughter, Veronica, has studied for three years. What has impressed me most is Nancy's comprehensive approach to teaching. The girls study method, technique, sight reading and theory. Also, each trimester is dedicated to a special topic. These have included composing, ear training, and famous composers. These topics provide variety to the lessons and help keep the girls engaged.

Nancy strives to motivate her students in various ways. Each student develops a list of personal goals at the start of a trimester. As the goals are achieved, the student's sense of accomplishment grows. The goals also afford the student the opportunity to further work in areas of special interest. Another fun and motivational technique Nancy employs is the "House Competition." Students can earn points for their team by participating in music related activities while furthering their appreciation and understanding of music. Nancy also hosts "Super Group" weeks. Students gather to perform for each other and study new topics. In this way, students meet and socialize, and piano becomes less solitary.

My daughters have truly benefited from their years with Nancy. They have not only learned to play piano; they have a better understanding of personal responsibility and accomplishment. I highly recommend Nancy Morgan."

-Carole Rizzo, parent of piano students, former PTA President

"Nancy Morgan gave me a gift. I had not played the piano for forty years. She accepted this 'begin again beginner' as a student and with patience and perseverance helped me to achieve playing the instrument at an intermediate level. Her details of interpretation of the rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tone color and articulation of a musical piece have added a depth and appreciation to the study of the music. The instructors at Sonata in Bennington, Vt. (a piano camp for adults) noted the progress and improvement of my playing after a year of lessons with Nancy.

In addition, Nancy brings adult students together several times a year for a seminar on a mutual musical topic of interest. These opportunities expand our music appreciation and knowledge. I always wanted to play duets which now is an important part of my piano lessons. We have shared duets and played selections at an adult concert held this spring. I have always wanted to play the piano. With Nancy as my guide it has become a passion as part of my every day life. Thank you Nancy so much."

Deanna Cooper, adult piano student

"My daughter Lia has been taking piano lessons with Nancy Morgan for three years. I really appreciate the fact that at Morgan Piano School my daughter profited from a music education that goes beyond regular piano lessons. Already at preschool and kindergarten age Nancy Morgan teaches music history, improvisation, music theory and movement. The small group lesson (2 to 3 students) in Morgan's beautiful piano studio included ear training, singing, playing the piano solo and together. My daughter gained confidence to perform and learned to listen to others' while playing in the group. Working in small groups allows Nancy Morgan to teach the 3 to 6 year old students patience, treating others with respect and kindness, taking turns and teamwork which helps her piano students to succeed in their regular preschool and kindergarten. Furthermore, Nancy Morgan understands the needs of these youngest students and breaks the lesson into segments focusing on these different aspects of a general music education. Morgan's preschool and kindergarten classes are geared toward a 4/5 year old physical and emotional development. They play with "bunny paws" in the beginning and do not feel stressed although they learn so much. Friends and family members were always impressed how well Lia played the piano when only in kindergarten. It is such a pleasure to see how happy Lia is to attend her lessons."

-Stephanie Kermes, parent of a child who began music and piano lessons at age 4